The connection between gum disease and overall health


Scientifically proven, various metabolic diseases, syndromes, hormonal changes in the body and psychological conditions give the first signs and symptoms in the oral cavity.

Gum disease, apart from the physical, also greatly affects psychological health, social life and acceptance by the environment. Bad breath, as the most common consequence of gum disease, affects the patient's emotional and psychological state and self-confidence.

How to recognize healthy from inflamed gingiva?

Gingiva or gums make up the masticatory mucosa of the oral cavity, it is well keratinized and elastic. Healthy gingiva has the structure of an orange peel, is shiny and light pink in color. Inflammatory changes in the gums (gingiva) are called gingivitis. Symptoms that indicate gingivitis are bleeding, discoloration and swelling. Gingivitis is a reversible condition, which means that it can be completely cured.

Treatment includes professional teeth cleaning and enhanced oral hygiene. In advanced cases and immunocompromised patients, antibiotics and/or surgical interventions on the gingiva are included in the therapy. If gum inflammation is not treated, the supporting structures are lost and periodontitis gradually develops, which is no longer a reversible condition.

How do inflammatory changes occur on the gingiva?

Some of the conditions that can lead to a change in gum health are:

  • significant changes in the flora of the oral cavity after the use of antibiotics, antiseptics and corticosteroids
  • chronic oral irritations such as dentures, orthodontic devices and smoking
  • conditions that lead to dryness of the oral cavity
  • age of the patient, where teenagers, newborns, pregnant women and the elderly are most often affected
  • various endocrine disorders, therapy of malignant diseases and infectious diseases

The most common changes in the gums occur in the form of primary herpetic gingivostomatitis and necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis. These changes most often affect small children, young people who are under the influence of stress, pregnant women and patients suffering from serious systemic diseases and whose immune system is weakened. A decline in immunity disrupts the balance between good and bad bacteria in our oral cavity, opportunistic microorganisms begin to dominate and consequently lead to inflammatory changes, which we notice in the form of redness, swelling and pain.

How to prevent gum disease?

The connection between oral health and overall health is deeply connected. Gingivitis, especially periodontitis, play a major role in overall health. Inflammatory processes, starting from the oral cavity, cause systemic inflammation, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndromes such as diabetes and other health problems. If you notice an unpleasant odor in the oral cavity, a change in color, swelling in the area of ​​the oral mucosa or changes in the appearance of nodules and sores on the gingiva, contact your dentist. It is important to mention the mandatory control and prevention of pre-cancer in the oral cavity, because the mentioned changes can be the first sign of malignancy, which progresses very quickly.

Prevention in the form of regular and detailed oral hygiene, regular visits to the dentist every 6 months and correct remediation of unwanted changes in the oral cavity is the fundamental key to the success of preserving both the health of the oral mucosa and the overall health of the organism.
