
Functional-aesthetic prosthetic rehabilitation

The case was done with computer planning and production of fixed prosthetic work using the CAD/CAM technology, thus the shape agreed upon during the planning of the prosthetic work is identical to the finished work.

Gordana portretna poslije
Gordana portretna prije

Dental procedures

  • Digital Smile Design (DSD)
  • Intraoral scanning and production of prosthetic work using CAD/CAM technology
  • Individual crowns, zirconium oxide ceramics

The patient came to us looking for a new smile, dissatisfied with the color, shape and position of the teeth.

After the examination, we advised her to make individual crowns from zirconium oxide. The patient was presented with her new smile, which was planned with the help of Digital Smile Design.

Gordana participated in the creation of her ideal smile and was delighted with the presentation, and we began prosthetic therapy. Gordana received a new enchanting smile in four visits, during one working week.

Gordana intraoralna poslije
Gordana intraoralna prije
Romina portret poslije

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