Patient rights

Notice on the protection of patients’ rights

For the sake of your safety and satisfaction, as well as the building of mutual trust, understanding and partnership between you as a patient and a healthcare professional, we would like to remind you of your basic rights regulated by the Law on the Protection of Patients’ Rights (Official Gazette 169/04 and 37/08).


The right to co-decision includes the right to be informed and the right to accept or refuse a certain diagnostic or therapeutic procedure.

Exceptionally , these rights can be limited when it is justified by your health condition in the cases and in the manner prescribed by the Act on the Protection of Patients’ Rights.

Right to information

You have the right to be fully informed about:

  • Your state of health and the medical assessment of the results and outcome of the diagnostic or therapeutic procedure,
  • recommended examinations and procedures, as well as the advantages and risks of performing them or not performing them, as well as the planned dates for their performance,
  • treatment outcome,
  • Your right to decide on recommended examinations or procedures,
  • possible substitutes for the recommended procedures,
  • in the course of procedures when providing health care,
  • recommended lifestyle,
  • health insurance rights and procedures for exercising these rights.

The notice will be given to you, upon your oral or written request, by the doctor who directly provides you with health care. You always have the right to ask for a second expert opinion on your health condition, which must be provided at your oral or written request by a doctor with the appropriate specialization, who did not directly provide you with a specific health service.

It is your right to be informed before each procedure about the names and qualifications of the staff who directly provide you with health care, and after each procedure to be informed about the success or failure and the results of the procedure, as well as the reasons for possible differences in the results from the expected ones.

It is your right to refuse receiving information about the nature of your health condition and the expected outcome of the proposed and/or undertaken procedures and measures in a written and signed statement.

If you are a person with full business capacity, you cannot waive the right to be notified in cases where you must be aware of the nature of your illness, so as not to endanger the health of other persons, but you have the right to designate in writing or in any other credible way the person who will be notified for you.

The legal representative/guardian has the right to be informed about a patient with impaired judgment, in accordance with age, that is, with physical, mental and psychological condition.

The right to accept or refuse a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure

It is your right to accept or refuse a particular diagnostic or therapeutic procedure, except in the case of urgent medical intervention, the failure of which would endanger life and health or cause permanent damage to the health of yourself or other persons. You express your acceptance of a particular diagnostic or therapeutic procedure by signing the consent.

A blind person, a deaf person who cannot read, a mute person who cannot write, and a deaf-blind person, accepts a particular diagnostic or therapeutic procedure by a statement in the form of a notarial deed or by a statement made before two witnesses about the appointment of a business-capable person who will act on his behalf accept or reject such a procedure.


You have the right to the confidentiality of data related to your state of health and you have the right to give a written statement about the persons who can be informed about your state of health and to name the persons to whom you forbid the provision of such data.


You have the right to conditions that ensure privacy during examination and treatment, and especially when providing personal care.


It is your right to obtain access to all medical documentation related to the diagnosis and treatment of your illness and to request a copy of the medical documentation at your own expense.

In the event of the patient’s death, if the patient did not explicitly prohibit it during his lifetime, the spouse or common-law partner, adult child, parent, adult brother or sister, and legal representative/guardian have the right to inspect and request a copy of the medical documentation. Objection to inspection of medical documentation is given by the patient in a written statement solemnized by a notary public.


If you participate in scientific research, it is your right to receive a precise and comprehensible written notification about the nature, importance, consequences and risks of the research and to give your express consent in the form of written consent to participate in research or medical teaching.

For a legally incompetent or minor patient, consent is given by his legal representative/guardian, who can withdraw consent at any time in the interest of the patient.


Your right to compensation is in accordance with the general regulations of compulsory law. If you believe that you were harmed during the provision of health care, you will be able to claim the same by filing a lawsuit with the competent court. Before filing a lawsuit, please notify the Administration of the request for compensation in order to try to resolve the dispute amicably.