Kopija datoteke Rident-101

What is the All-on method and when is it used?

The All-on method is a type of procedure in which four, five or six implants are placed in the upper or lower jaw, which act as a support for a fixed structure with associated teeth. This procedure is the ideal choice for patients who have lost all their teeth or where the remaining teeth are planned to be extracted. The great advantage of this method is that it avoids complicated surgical procedures during the implant placement, such as bone or sinus augmentation. Precisely for this reason, the All-on method is the best solution for patients who have a small amount of bone. With procedures using this method, patients can get fixed temporary teeth within 24 hours, with a completely new smile and, after the implant has fused with the bone, a permanent prosthetic work.

Who needs the All-on method?

  • Patients who are completely edentulous.
  • Patients whose teeth are in poor condition and cannot be treated.
  • Patients who have removable dentures that they cannot get used to.
  • Patients who do not have enough bone to place implants with classic methods

Our doctors are the best specialists with many years of experience in successful procedures using the All-on method.

The All-on implant process is designed to give you a new smile and function in just a few precise steps.


For whom is the All-on method a good choice?

This method is the best choice for people who want a fixed prosthetic work and who have lost all their teeth or have teeth in very poor condition and are scheduled for extraction. Likewise, it is used in people who have the minimum amount of bone necessary to install implants and are not candidates for conventional implant-prosthetic rehabilitation.

What is the guarantee for the work?

Premium implants are guaranteed for life and the titanium structure is guaranteed for 10 years, with regular maintenance and mandatory annual checks.

What is the difference between All-on-4 and All-on-6?

With the All-on-4 method, 4 implants are placed in one jaw, while with the All-on-6 method, six. A larger number of implants provides greater stability of work, but sometimes the patient does not have enough bone base to place six implants, so only four are placed. The dentist, together with a CBCT scan of the jaw and bone mass analysis, will make a decision and give a recommendation on the number of implants needed.

Is the procedure painful?

The implant placement procedure itself is not painful because it is performed using local anesthesia.

How long does recovery take?

Discomfort, and sometimes swelling and bruising, are normal after the All-on procedure and can last up to 7 days. Each patient receives painkillers and an antibiotic after the All-on procedure.

What material is the permanent structure of the All-on-4/6 made of?

In dental medicine, there are different materials from which structures for fixed solutions are made: metal, titanium, zirconium oxide or BIO HPP structures. The most common for All-on-4/6 are made of cobalt-chromium (metal), titanium or BIO HPP material. Titanium is a biocompatible material, which means that the body accepts it and allows it to integrate naturally.


"The All-on-4 method is a fast, efficient and effective solution for toothless patients, allowing them to restore the functionality and aesthetics of their teeth in just one day. Patients can safely eat all foods, easily maintain oral hygiene and enjoy the natural appearance of their new teeth."

Aida Pašić Carrera, DMD, implantology specialist
