Implants in the so-called aesthetic region or what can we do when our front teeth have to be taken out?

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Author: Matko Oguić , dmd


Smile as the most powerful facial expression together with all the structures that make it, represents a reflection of the person as a whole, and in today’s society where the importance of aesthetics is increasing, designing and planning a smile for optimal aesthetic and functional results, becomes an indispensable factor in the daily work of dentists.

Modern dental medicine in its daily practice uses implant-prosthetic therapy to deal with the lack of natural teeth, but despite this fact, implant placement in the aesthetic region is still a challenge for every clinician.

What does aesthetics mean and what is the aesthetic region in dental medicine?

The word ā€œaestheticā€ in dental medicine means to successfully imitate that what the nature has made, under the circumstance that we really want to imitate it. In that respect ā€œaestheticā€ is what is in harmony with the looks and character of the individual. The key to the optimal aesthetic result in implant-prosthetic therapy is the harmonious flow of the gingiva because harmony is what the human eye perceives as aesthetic or beautiful. Only if the harmonious flow of the gingiva is secured, we are also able to achieve the harmonious shape of the teeth that being replace. From that emerges the biggest challenge for every clinician ā€“ to achieve the harmonious flow of the gingiva so that the dental technician may shape the crown that will perfectly fall into the existing dental string.

The term ā€œaesthetic regionā€ in dental medicine implies all that is visible in a patient’s full smile, that is, to the patient himself of exceptional aesthetic value. More and more patients nowadays pay particular attention not only to the crown (the so-called white aesthetics), but to the red aesthetics, meaning the looks of the soft tissue surrounding the tooth. With the advancement of dental medicine some new major factors came into account when choosing a therapy to reach the ideal aesthetic result, but there are a couple of paths that leads to this target. However, all these paths have in common the preoperative planning stage, a precise surgical approach and a prosthetic led rehabilitation that takes into account the patientā€™s expectations and all aesthetic factors. 

The tooth in the aesthetic region has to be removed, what should I do?

Do you feel pain or discomfort in a tooth? Are you missing one or more teeth? Or are your just unhappy with the aesthetics of your smile? The best you can do is to set an appointment for a free visit at one of our clinics, where our professional and skilled staff will do a thorough clinical exam and with the aid of a radiological diagnostics, will be able to propose a detailed individualized therapy plan.

There are several possibilities for a prosthetic tooth replacement, however the best is a dental implant since it does not require any work on adjoining teeth and does not distort the structure of the remaining teeth in the jaw. After 40 years of application, dental implants are today the standard in dental medicine. Implants are titanium screws that are placed in the jaw to carry artificial teeth made of modern and high-quality materials. The success rate of the implant therapy is from 95 to 100 percent, which makes it one of the safest and most durable therapies in dental medicine.

Due to a number of therapeutic concepts in implantology, the most important step is adequate and thorough diagnosis. For that reason, at the Rident dental clinics we first use a detailed 3D scan (CBCT) of the jaw in order to visualize all the structures and the state of the bone tissue, so that we would be able to completely individualize the therapy plan, predict the duration and issue an individualized offer.

When it comes to one of the teeth in the aesthetic zone that is destined for extraction, it is most important to contact the dentist as soon as possible, ie before the extraction of the tooth, because it is very often possible to access the so-called immediate implantation at the same time of the tooth extraction. It is a procedure where the implant is inserted immediately after the tooth is extracted, not as it is most common several months after the extraction when the bone heals, which usually results in the loss of bone volume and soft tissue. The biggest advantage of the immediate implantation is to preserve the soft tissue morphology, thus ensuring a harmonious gingival flow and optimal conditions for a crown.

Even when immediate implantation is not possible, it is very often possible to use one of the bone regeneration methods when extracting a tooth, so that after a healing period of three to four months, you will have the best possible conditions for implant placement and for the ultimate aesthetic of your smile.

The tooth in the aesthetic region has already been removed?

The extraction of the teeth is followed by the process of natural (physiological) bone remodeling, which ultimately results in a slightly smaller bone volume than required for implant placement. Based on 3D diagnostics, our experts will determine what is needed to install the implant to ultimately achieve high aesthetic values.

Implant placement procedure

The implantation procedure itself is painless. It is performed under local anesthesia and lasts about fifteen minutes to half an hour. Implantation into the bone is followed by a healing period of about three to four months. If the implant stability is satisfactory in the aesthetic zone, it is possible to place continue with immediate implant loading. Immediate loading implies that in the same day a temporary crown will be place on the implant to start the soft tissue formation from the first day of implant placement. Consequently, following the ideal period of complete healing of the implant (osseointegration) we will have the ideal condition of the so-called red aesthetics, ie soft tissue morphology, to create a definitive crown that will fit perfectly into the dental string.


At Rident Dental Clinics, we use only high quality and certified implant systems, and thanks to our highly trained staff, state-of-the-art equipment, and systematic investment in the quality of our work, you can be sure that together we will find the best possible way for your perfect smile