Let’s welcome 2024 and look back at 2023 for Rident polyclinics

Author: Rident


Another year has come to an end and we couldn’t be prouder of our work.

Thank you all, our dear patients, for choosing us and for recommending us to friends and relatives. Choosing the ideal dental clinic is never easy as there are so many variables at play: the structure, the professionals, the machinery, the completeness of the services and certainly the reliability.

Knowing that every year thousands of patients choose to rely on Rident for their dental care makes us proud and motivates us to always give our best, to constantly keep ourselves updated on the latest news in the field of dentistry and dental technology.

We remember every single smile returned and improved with great joy and gratitude, because taking care of your dental and mental health has always been our mission. Dear patients, if we have managed to achieve important goals over the years, the credit is all yours!

Our professionals should also be thanked and rewarded for the work they do every day. Thanks to our contact center and receptionists, who make every visit to our facilities pleasant and comfortable. Thanks to our dental assistants, who, being the Doctors’ right-hand men, make all patients feel at ease within the offices, assisting them throughout their stay. Thanks to the dental surgeons, dentists and dental technicians for their immense professionalism and experience. Without a well-tested team it would be impossible to continue offering the best to our patients, without a team working together it would not be easy at all to be the goal of every new smile.

Thanks to the network of agents and representatives spread across the Italian territory: without you we would not have the opportunity to make our services known in Italy and it would not be possible to offer a welcoming, comfortable and quick service to reach us in Croatia.

A special thanks also to the members of the Administration, who put in their utmost effort every day to raise the name of Rident. They are always looking for innovation and progress to apply to structures, machinery and the training of their staff.

2023 was certainly the year in which our entry into Adria Dental Group was 100% realized: from day one we were very proud to be part of this fast-growing group, which brings together the best dental clinics in the Adriatic Region. A recognition that not only rewards our clinic, making it even more of a main point of reference for all those who wish to smile again without worries, but which emphasizes Rident’s long experience in the field. Here’s to the years to come that we will travel together, step by step!

What do we hope for 2024?

Certainly to continue on the path undertaken in recent years, which has seen the fulfillment of various dreams and the achievement of many truly important goals. The goal is to continue to offer the highest quality in the field of dental services, anticipating trends and giving even more value to human relationships.

Because after all, one of the aspects that differentiates Rident from the competition is certainly the precious bond that is established between the patient and their doctor: it’s not simply a question of treating a smile, it is rather a question of fully understand the needs of who we have in front of us and always give our best to fulfill their desire.