Disinfection and sterilization

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Author: Maja Rasberger , Head Nurse - Poreč


Patient care comes first in all segments of work, which is why we implement strict disinfection and sterilization measures.

All medical staff implements all hygienic preventive measures to protect patients, but also themselves. The first and most important measure of protection is hand washing, immediately before as well as after treatment of the patient. After washing the hands the disinfectant is rubbed into dry hands until the skin is completely dry. With clean hands, we then put on the disposable gloves that are changed for each patient. In case the gloves are damaged during work, we disinfect our hands again and put on the new gloves. We use a mask that covers the nose and mouth, as well as protective visors or glasses. Disposable coats and rubbers are worn above the prescribed work clothes and footwear.


According to the work protocol, dental assistants disinfect all work surfaces. With disinfectant wipes they wipe the instruments, the therapeutic chair, the reflector, the board with digital controls, the polymerization lamp, the fountain as well as all the material used in the work process.

During the therapy all instruments are disposed of on disposable tray which, like the cup, pump, protective apron, needles, syringes and gloves, are disposed of in infectious waste, which is taken care off by the appropriate waste management company.

After use, all instruments are immersed in a disinfectant liquid, after which they are mechanically cleaned under running water and dried with paper towels. We pack clean instruments. The packaging protects against moisture, dust and contamination and ensures the sterility of the instruments from the time it is removed from the sterilizer until its use. An indicator of the procedure is affixed to all packages, which shows that it has been subjected to the sterilization procedure, and the date of sterilization is written on the packages.


The goal of sterilization is to ensure the complete absence of living organisms. Autoclave sterilizers, ie steam and pressure sterilizers, are used in Rident polyclinics. The autoclave uses various programs that changes based on the instrument material type (ie metal, rubber, canvas).

Proper care, maintenance and a series of checks are required to ensure the smooth operation of the sterilizer. Thus, we perform a Vacuum test to check whether the sterilizer can achieve and maintain the conditions of absence of air. We also perform a Bowie Dick test to know if air has been completely removed and if steam can penetrate the entire charge.

After each sterilization, we control the procedure and perform it by physical, biological and chemical procedures. They are physical control of temperature, time and pressure. Biological control is performed by bacterial spores that are integrated into the paper strip by special processing, while chemical indicators work on the principle of reaction and interaction of chemical substances in contact with the sterilization medium.

Dental assistants in Rident polyclinics undergo training in disinfection and sterilization procedures, and in addition to work courses, they continuously renew their knowledge in this area.

The health and safety of our patients comes first, so we do our best!