Izbjeljivanje zuba: za i protiv?

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Author: Kristian Tadić , dmd


We all know that a beautiful smile opens all doors and nowadays a beautiful smile, among other things, implies white teeth. What was once reserved for famous and influential people it is now available to the majority of the population. Moreover, what many people see first on a person is someone’s smile. And while being constantly exposed to glittering white teeth in the media, do we ever wonder if teeth whitening is harmful or is it just another harmless aesthetic procedure?

Today’s professional teeth whitening methods, if used rationally (no more than once a year) and by following the manufacturer’s instructions for use, are completely safe for the teeth and do not destroy the hard tooth tissues. The positive effect of whitening is mostly aesthetic because you will certainly feel more attractive and you will be for sure laughing more to show off your beautiful and renewed smile. In addition, a beautiful smile is always associated with good general health and one balanced, healthy lifestyle. Having white teeth, it certainly leaves a better first impression and such person radiates with more confidence and looks younger, too. Today, home teeth whitening products are also globally available to patients, but they do not contain high concentrations of active substances as in-office whitening systems do. The greatest positive outcome of teeth whitening is the hope that a new smile will encourage a person to have even better and more detailed oral hygiene to keep the renewed smile as long as possible.

On the other hand, not every person is a candidate for teeth whitening. It is important to know that internal tooth staining, dental fillings and any dental prosthetics cannot be whitened. Furthermore, people who are excessive tobacco users and/or drink tremendous amounts of coffee, red wine and all colored drinks and consume dark foods have a faster rate of returning to the old color. It is extremely important that your teeth are healthy, meaning, without any cavities, periodontitis or other oral illnesses before you are subjected to teeth whitening procedure. Excess concentrations of active substances or too much use of teeth whitening products can damage and weaken the dental enamel, making it porous and soft. One of the biggest flaws is that teeth and gingiva may show signs of hypersensitivity during the procedure and even up to seven days after. Also, it is important to know that the color you have after bleaching is not lifelong. It is going to last just as long as you follow the instructions that your dentist has given you and it will depend on your daily habits. One of the factors that can drive a person away from teeth whitening is certainly the price that varies depending on the system used as well as of the dental office.

To sum up, whether you decide or not to whiten your teeth, it is important to know that nothing will be a substitute for good habits of oral hygiene. In addition, it is important to talk to your dentist and determine whether you are actually an adequate candidate for the procedure. In the end, teeth whitening is not a must-do procedure and sometimes it is just better to refrain from some procedure if there is more harm than benefit for one’s health!